Bible Reading Plan 

Daily Bible Reading and Devotions 每日讀經靈修

BIBLE VERSE OF THE MONTH 每月金句 - 十二月 December 2024

And he answered them, “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”
路加福音 Luke 7:22–23 (CUVNP/ESV)

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: We probably know that we don’t have all the time in the world before Jesus returns.  However, we still act like it as if we thought we do have the time.  Why?
Prayer: Ask God to remind us that that Day and Hour is near and we should stay awake!

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Reflect: How do we have joy in our hearts even knowing the end is near?
Prayer: Thank Jesus for His sacrifice, which gives us salvation that lasts forever.

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Reflect: The Lord is faithful, and as the reading points out, He will fulfill HIs promises.  How important is it for an almighty God like Jesus to keep promises?
Prayer: Thank Jesus for being faithful, keeping HIs promises, saving us, and sustaining us.

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Reflect: There is no shame when it comes to God’s steadfast love.  Why?
Prayer: Thank God for loving us for who we are.

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Reflect: Turns out, there is no fear standing before God especially after seeing what He has done.  What does it mean why the psalmist wrote, ‘For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried?’
Prayer: Thank God for not only loving me but also disciplining us.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: How do we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord with repentance?
Prayer: Ask God to remind us of our Holy Baptism, when our sins were once and for all forgiven.

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Reflect: Can we grow in Christ while serving Him?
Prayer: Thank God for the opportunity to serve Him, to be partners in the gospel.

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Reflect: What do we prefer? God who’d change all the time, or a God who would never change? Why?
Prayer: Thank God for being the Lord who does not change.

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Reflect: Every Sunday we come to our worship service to be restored, to have our sins forgiven, and to be saved.  Why is it important to know that our sins are forgiven?
Prayer: Thank God for giving us new life through the forgiveness of sin.

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Reflect: The only way to be close to God, to be at His right hand and let God fight our battles, is to let go of ourselves.  What do we need to let go, exactly?
Prayer: Thank God for His victory, and ask Him to help us so we can offer ourselves to Him.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: A glutton, a drunkard, and friends of tax collectors and sinners are usually not the people we would call ‘wise.’  But Jesus said the wisdom of these people is justified! Why?
Prayer: Ask God to keep reminding that knowing Him is the beginning of wisdom!

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Reflect: How should we understand the meaning of a peace that surpasses all understanding?
Prayer: Thank God for giving us the peace of knowing that we are loved, saved, and forgiven by Jesus.

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Reflect: We feel special when friends remember us.  How does it feel when our God remembers us? 
Prayer: Thanks God for never forsaking us!

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Reflect: It is true, if we are to think of it a little deeper, even the sacrifice back in the biblical days were first given to God’s people by God Himself! What does it say about what we have and what we give to God? 
Prayer: Thank God for everything we have and do NOT have!

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Reflect: In the reading today, The Israelites were finally allowed to go back and rebuild the temple of God after being destroyed by the Babylonians.  Looking back how our lives were turned upside down to the point we are given a chance to rebuild, how is the joy in the midst of tears?
Prayer: Thank God for HIs faithfulness because He is always with us, in both good days and bad days.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: This is a famous poem by Mary while she was pregnant with Jesus.  Would the life of Jesus be better if He were to be born in an upper-class family?
Prayer: Thank God for His perfect plan of salvation that is unquestionable, starting from the humble birth of Jesus, and, before that, a virgin pregnancy.  

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Reflect: Looking at this story of Jospeh and Mary, It makes sense to say that it takes two in a family to serve God.  Why is that?
Prayer: Pray for the couples of our church so that they will serve together with one heart and one faith.

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Reflect: Jesus came not only to be with us, but to be the living Word Himself.  What do we know about Jesus that we can imitate?
Prayer: Whatever we name as something about Jesus we can imitate, let us pray to God to ask for strength to continue!

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Reflect: Jesus came down to bring us the good news.  He’s made the gospel a lot closer to all of us.  How?
Prayer: Thank Jesus for being the living Word, that we can see by His life what the Word is saying to us from the Bible. 

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Reflect: Jesus is calling us to be His witnesses in everywhere you go. How beautiful would our feet be when we walk His path of publishing peace and salvation?  
Prayer: Thank God for His calling to bring the gospel to our neighbors, and continue to strengthen us in good days and difficult days.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: The joy of being in the fellowship of God is irreplaceable.  Name one thing that we treasure most when we are with brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayer: Pray for the brothers and sisters who are always with us.

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Reflect: God brought HIs people out of Egypt, in the same way, God brought us out of darkness through Jesus.  What are we thankful for?
Prayer: Let us thank God for His mercy and His forgiveness, and many more!

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Reflect: When we say we are freed from the law, what does that mean?
Prayer: Thank God for giving us a path to be one in Christ Jesus.

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Reflect: This is the benediction we also use at church.  Take a moment and read this slowly and carefully.  Does it sound too good to be true?
Prayer: Thank God for such a beautiful blessing!

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Reflect: Everything is from God, and He is worthy to be praised.  Name one thing you see today and praise God for creating it!
Prayer: Thank God for His creation!

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: There is still a lot of people out there who do not believe in God.  What should we do for them?
Prayer: Pray for the lost so God will call His workers to publish the good news to them!

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