Bible Reading Plan 

Daily Bible Reading and Devotions 每日讀經靈修

BIBLE VERSE OF THE MONTH 每月金句 - 六月 June 2024

For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.
希伯來書 Hebrews 3:14 (CUVNP/ESV)

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Selling all is the same as giving up everything.  Is God worthy enough for us to give up all things?
Prayer: Ask God to help us re-evaluate what is important in our lives.

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Reflect: The net of the gospel is out there gathering fish.  How does the reality of the angels separating the evil from the righteous affect how we look at the great commission?
Prayer: Thank God for His mercy, but ask God to give us courage to evangelize so the lost may receive salvation.

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Reflect: Being humble may be a given courtesy in our tradition.  How would we apply humbleness in our everyday Christian life but not looking down to ourselves?
Prayer: Ask God to help us to be humble but also be assertive to what God has given us: His blessings, salvation, and spiritual gifts.

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Reflect: This gospel may sound like Jesus telling us to plan ahead before doing anything.  It may be true but He was actually telling us, who are His followers, to pay attention to His teaching, not only to let it be a foundation, but also the goal in life, with preparation against all attacks from the evil one.  That, we have just mentioned, is life of a Christian.  Are we prepared? 
Prayer: Ask God to help us understand His teachings for us and give us wisdom to plan ahead with His guidance.

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Reflect: Do you see yourself as one of the 99 or the one that is lost?
Prayer: Thank God for not giving up on us.

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: We should forgive because God forgives us.  But why is it so easy NOT to forgive?
Prayer: Ask God to help us forgive others just as He has forgiven us.

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Reflect: How do we celebrate our salvation? Can we celebrate our salvation by telling us about Jesus?
Prayer: Ask God to give us more courage to share the joy of salvation to the lost.

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Reflect: Can we treat everyone nicely? We know we cannot, even though we also know we should.  Why are we allowing it to happen?
Prayer: Ask God for forgiveness for not being able to treat everyone equally, and ask for more love and understanding toward others, especially our enemies.

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Reflect: Money is worth nothing in heavens, yet human hangs onto it so tight we have no strength for God. Are we still pretending to serve God and money at the same time?
Prayer: Ask God to help us to re-evaluate how we look at money and God so we can put God first in everything we think, do or say.

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Reflect: This parable teaches us what it means to be too late.  What warning do we see in this parable?
Prayer: Pray for those who are lost to see the necessity of salvation.

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: It is too easy for us who serve at church to think highly of ourselves.  What do we need to remind ourselves so that we will not think higher than ourselves? 
Prayer: Ask God to help us to be humble.

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Reflect: While God wants us to be persistent in prayers, what else is Jesus promising us here in this parable?
Prayer: Thank God for always listening our prayers.

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Reflect: Does that mean whoever pray out loud would not be justified? 
Prayer: Ask God to look into our hearts and take away all wrong desires so we can be genuinely humble before Him.

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Reflect: Fairness has already been an issue in our society.  But how should we look at fairness when it comes to salvation?
Prayer: Ask God to give us joy when we see growth in others’ spiritual life.

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Reflect: Which son of the two mentioned in the parable are we? Is one better than the other?
Prayer: Ask God to change our mind to follow Him.

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: When we try too hard to control our lives on our own, we will end up losing control of ourselves.  What sin may lead us to lose control?
Prayer: Ask God to take away the sins that has been haunting us.

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Reflect: Some historians said that when one was invited to a wedding banquet, a garment was also given.  Whether it is the case or not, do you think the king overreact when he casted the guest who did not wear a wedding garment into the outer darkness?
Prayer: Ask God to prepare our heart and mind whenever we come to His house to worship Him.

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Reflect: Some may say the end is near.  Some may also say it’s not even close.  But Jesus promised one thing will never end nor go away.  What is it? Why does it matter?
Prayer: Thank God for the everlasting Word that we know we can depend on.

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Reflect: Jesus said we need to be ready. If Jesus comes today, are we ready? 
Prayer: Ask God to prepare us so we can be ready when the day does come.

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Reflect: When it comes to faith, while we can walk side by side with our brothers and sisters, we need to own our faith: because this is a relationship between us and God.  Can we say that our faith is in Jesus, or our faith is based on other people?
Prayer: Ask God to strengthen our faith so we know how to prepare for that day to come.

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: God gives us different talents.  But how are we using them, and how are we engaging in the ministry using those gifts.  Have you found your gifts yet?
Prayer: Ask God to give us wisdom so we can utilize His gifts to serve HIs people.

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