Daily Bible Reading and Devotions 每日讀經靈修
BIBLE VERSE OF THE MONTH 每月金句 - 五月 May 2024
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
希伯來書 Hebrews 10:23 (ESV/RCUV)
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Reflect: As Christians, having an unwavering foundation is very important. How is your foundation in the WORD?
Prayer: Pray for guidance to have a tenacious foundation in the Word.
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Reflect: With wine being the teachings and promises of God and the wineskins being us, what do we need to do in order to retain the new wine?
Prayer: Pray for the renewing of our mind, so we can retain the new wine.
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Reflect: Devil is strong, but Jesus is stronger. This parable shows us another angle of who Jesus is: He is here not just to make things beautiful, He overthrows the evil one. How does that help us understand His strength in our lives?
Prayer: Pray for Jesus’ protection from the evil one, who has a strong grip in our lives.
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Reflect: How does looking into our sins help us love God more?
Prayer: Thank God for forgiving all our sins through the cross, when we cannot even forgive ourselves.
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Reflect: In the parable of the sower, which scenario best describe you today? Did it ever change? If so, is it for the better or for worse?
Prayer: Ask God to help us listen to His Word, so we can also be the good soil, producing grain a hundredfold.
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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom
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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him
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Reflect: The light of salvation has been given to us. Are we using it by letting it shine on those who also need the light, or are we wasting it by hiding it?
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to use the light so others may also find hope in the light.
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Reflect: In a way, we have no control how Christians grow spiritually. However, we can do something about it by scatter the seed of salvation. Are we scattering the seed of salvation today?
Prayer: Pray for courage to scatter the seed of salvation into the world, starting with our friends, families, and neighbors.
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Reflect: The patience and care of the master cannot be ignored in this parable. How should we stay strong until the day of the harvest?
Prayer: Ask God to give us strength to stay strong against the weeds until the day of the harvest.
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Reflect: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus was teaching that lawyer that we are to be a good neighbors to those who are in need, regardless of their skin color, nationality, or dialect. However, is there a time that we walk away from those who needs help?
Prayer: Ask God for forgiveness if we ever walked away from those who needed help, and pray for extra strength, understanding, and care to those who cannot help themselves.
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Reflect: The chances of us saying no to those who need help happen more than we think. Why is that? and how should we change that?
Prayer: Ask God to give us more patience and mercy, just as Jesus have given for us.
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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom
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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him
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Reflect: The focus of our lives is not our possession, but our God. How, then, should we focus everything in Him?
Prayer: Ask God for guidance so we can focus in Him.
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Reflect: Our lives have often been compared to a fig tree. The fruit on the fig tree reflect our growth in Him. Are we growing? Or we are in danger of being cut down?
Prayer: Thank God for His mercy for not cutting us down yet! But also pray that we can grow in faith through His Word.
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Reflect: A little but genuine faith in God can go a long way. However, the question is - what is a genuine faith?
Prayer: Ask God to help us so that we do not just know Him like the devil, but also believe in Him as our savior, and love Him as our Lord.
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Reflect: This parable once again emphasizes the patience of God, and it also implicates the importance of mission and church planting, how their work is unseen at the beginning. Can you explain why?
Prayer: Ask God to give us vision of mission to expand God’s kingdom.
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Reflect: It is true and normal that we are willing to give up for something far greater. But are we willing to give up our possessions for something far greater, which is God?
Prayer: Ask God to look into our heart, and reveal to us where our heart is, and help us change it if it is not where God wanted it to be.
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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom
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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him
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