Bible Reading Plan 

Daily Bible Reading and Devotions 每日讀經靈修

BIBLE VERSE OF THE MONTH 每月金句 - 十月 October 2024

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
約翰福音 John 1:14 (ESV/CUVNP)

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Reflect: To succeed in anything, we must exercises self-control.  How do we apply that in our spiritual life?
Prayer: Ask God to help us exercise self-control in all things.

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Reflect: What would a life be like for a Christian without any self-control?
Prayer: Ask God for forgiveness for the time when we lack self-control.

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Reflect: How would patience and self-control work together? How are these two virtue important in our Christian life?
Prayer: Ask God to increase our patience and self-control because we don’t have much left!

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Reflect: The wisdom from God includes gentleness and peace.   What should we do if we had jealousy and selfish ambition in our hearts?
Prayer: Ask God to give us the wisdom that we need everyday so we may practice patience and self-control.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: How does what Jesus said, ‘My sheep hears my voice’ relate to us responding to the scripture?
Prayer: Thank God for the scripture so that we can always listen to Him.

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Reflect: How important is it to know that the WORD will not pass away, or is always true?
Prayer: Thank God for giving us the everlasting truth through the scripture.

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Reflect: How does our wisdom compare to God’s truth revealed in His Word?
Prayer: Ask God to help us depend on His Word in our everyday life so we may have the true wisdom.

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Reflect: Everything comes and goes but not the word of our God as it stands forever.  How does it compare to others who would say the scripture is relative to the world?
Prayer: Thank God for the scripture that stands forever.

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Reflect: How does the everlasting truth through the scripture and the judgement of God relate to one another?
Prayer: Thank God for the truth revealed in the scripture so that we know where the judgement of God is rooted.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: All scripture is breathed out, or inspired, by God Himself.  Read verse 16 and meditate the following: How is it important that the scripture is from God and does not change?
Prayer: Ask God to strengthen our faith so we may continue to follow Him through His scripture.

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Reflect: How does the everlasting truth relate to peace that only God can give? How does the Bible give us peace when we read it?
Prayer: Thank God for the peace given to us through the Word of God.

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Reflect: While truth may hurt, Jesus said the Word will sanctify us.  But do we ever hate the Word of God? 
Prayer: Ask God for forgiveness if we ever hate the word of God, and pray that the Word will continue to sanctify us during our earthly days.

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Reflect: Can we believe in God but not HIs scriptures? 
Prayer: Ask God to help us to understand His Word and believe.

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Reflect: The Word of God is living and active in leading us and correcting our ways.  What effect does the Word have in us? Does it harden our hearts, or gives us rest?
Prayer: Ask God to help us so that the Word would not harden our hearts, but instead correct our wicked ways.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: Sharing the good news of Jesus is important.  But the sharing itself to lead others to believe in the one sharing or the scripture?
Prayer: Ask God to help us find Him through His Word, and let us grow together with the church so we may support one another through the same living Word.

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Reflect: The Word not only gives us the truth, it gives us peace.  How does the Word give us peace today? 
Prayer: Ask God to lead us so we may proclaim the Word so others may receive the peace that only God can give.

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Reflect: The reading listed many exemplars of faith in the Bible.  How does our faith in God revealed in everything we do in our lives?
Prayer: Pray to God so that we may learn how to live by faith.

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Reflect: The wisdom of Gamallel leads us to ponder another big what if question: If Jesus were a fraud, then everything will be the same as today’s world.  But if Jesus is indeed the Son of God, we who have faith in Him will be saved.  Do we have faith in Jesus?
Prayer: Thank God for the gift of faith so we can believe in Jesus as our savior.

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Reflect: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus showed us a perfect example of loving our enemies as neighbors.  How does loving our enemies as neighbors involve faith?
Prayer: Ask God to help us love our neighbors so we may reflect our faith in Him.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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Reflect: The promise of faith in Jesus gives comfort to sinners.  Why?
Prayer: Thank God for sending Jesus to us as our savior and giving the gift of faith to believe.

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Reflect: The gift of faith makes our salvation different from the world’s standard because we are justified not by our own work but by faith in Christ.  How does this truth affect our Christian journey?
Prayer: Thank God for the salvation and the gift of faith that not only help us to believe but to hang on to Jesus.

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Reflect: The last verse tells us that faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.  Without us proclaiming the Word, can people still have faith in God?
Prayer: Ask God to give us courage to proclaim His Word so the lost may have faith in Him.

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Reflect: Once again we are reminded that we are justified by faith, not by work.  Is it difficult to explain to the non-believers? Why?  
Prayer: Ask God to give us the patience and wisdom when a non-believer asks the tough questions so the love of Christ may be revealed.

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Reflect: Faith and work come hand in hand. But what is work like without faith, and what is faith like without work?  
Prayer: Ask God to help us so that our faith will be active along with our works.

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Reflect: Praise Him Sunday
Prayer: Ask God to teach us how to praise Him

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Reflect: Wisdom Saturday
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom

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